Monday, May 4, 2020

Der Pass (Pegan Peak) : story of ritualistic serial killings

Name: Der Pass or Pagan Peak
Country: Germany, Austria
Original language: Germany
Length: 45 minutes
Episodes: 8 in 1+ seasons 
IMDB ratings: 8/10
Personal rating: 9/10
Broadcaster: Sky Germany

A body was found in the middle of the German-Austrian border. As half of the body was in Germany and the other half was in Austria, the intelligence agencies were first sent to the field by the two countries. 

Detectives on both sides were confused by the condition of the body and the murder plot. Because this murder was not an ordinary one, as if it has been done following any special method or ritual. 

The assassination is reminiscent of the ancient pagan monster Krampus. 
(This evil monster of European folklore was originally created to scare children. Santa Claus is for good children whereas Krampus is for bad children. Krampus, dressed as a half-goat and half-monster, who comes in a 'Krampus night' to punish small wicked children. The practice of calling Krampus who has large horns on the head, terribly sharp teeth and sharp blood-thirsty eye, on the afternoon of 5th December in every year is still exercised in some European countries, including Germany.) 

By the time the three bodies were found in the same way one by one, the law enforcement agencies of the two sides had realized that the matter was no longer in their hands. 

If this serial killer is not caught soon, the existence of such killing will increase day by day. But is it so easy? Though he is a serial killer, he is always two steps ahead of the police. Yet the conflict does not stop. An Austrian detective named Winter (Gedeon Winter) and a German detective named Ellie (Julia Jentsch) and their team continue to work to bring this psycho killer to justice.

Who doesn't like forests and serial killers? That's how the interest in the series grows if the movie has such a strong plot, skilful screenplay, flamboyant acting style and a blend of background music relevant to the environment of the plot. Honestly, you will enjoy it very much. 

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