Tuesday, May 12, 2020

14 Best Korean thrillers you must watch

Koreans are probably foremost in the world of thrillers. After Hollywood, the most exceptional movies are made by Koreans. 

I have mentioned here some thrill movies. I am a fan of their movie-making. There may have seen many more movies, this list is my personal opinion. I believe that these movies will not waste your time.

Rating: IMDB-8.1
Genre: Mystery, thriller.
In 1978, a serial killer appeared in Korea. He brutally murdered women and girls on a rainy night. Two detectives worked to catch him.
Could they catch him?
Best korean thriller movies

Rating: IMDB-8.4, Rotten tomatoes-83%.
Genre: Mystery, action, thriller.
A man was confined to a room for 15 years. After leaving the room, his only goal is to find the person who confined him and kill mercilessly. He found the man but could do nothing.
But why?
The story of revenge. Your will be thundered.

Rating: IMDB-7.5.
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller.
A forensic pathologist gets a body which is cut into three pieces. The killer is also caught but the pathologist saves the killer. What was the reason?
If you want to know, you have to see the full.
Rating: IMDB-7.8, Rotten tomatoes-81%.
Genre: Drama, thriller.
A psycho killer appears in town who brutally kills women. One day he kills the wife of a police officer. The officer grabs the killer and releases him again. But why?
Have you ever seen the devil? If the answer is no, then you should watch the movie.

Rating: IMDB-7.1
Genre: Crime, drama.
A murderer is found, another murderer like him. The man tries to save his daughter from that murderer.
This is like a battle of demons with demons. Who will win?
Pay close attention to what you see in the movie. Nevertheless, you will feel like time is wasted.
Rating: IMDB-7.1
Genre: Crime, thriller.
An author publishes a book in which some of the murders are described. His writings match with some of the murders that took place in the city. A detective started an investigation into this.
Is the writer of the book a murderer? or is there someone else behind it?
Rating: IMDB-7.9, Rotten tomatoes-82%.
Genre: Action, Crime.
A man runs a brothel. But the girls who work here are suddenly disappearing. One night a call comes. He had a girl left. He notices all the girl is going to the same address.
What is the man doing with the girls?
Rating: IMDB-7.8, Rotten tomatoes-100%.
Genre: Action, thriller.
A man who has lost everything in his life. He likes a baby girl of his neighbour like his daughter.
One day a big gangster came and took the girl away.
What happens if you can get along with a gangster? 
Rating: IMDB-7.5, Rotten tomatoes-94%.
Genre: Horror, thriller.
A new virus has spread in the city. As a result of the virus, people are turning into zombies. Some people get infected with the virus on the train in which the leading character and his daughter board. Gradually, the virus spreads in the whole train. How could they save themselves from the zombies?

Rating: IMDB-7.2, Rotten tomatoes-82%.
Genre: Crime, thriller.
On the day of his mother's death, a detective killed a man in an accident. A day later, someone started blackmailing him about the murder.
Who is that person?
Rating: IMDB-7.3
Genre: Horror, thriller.
A girl visits her old friend of teenage in an island. But she discovered her friend in a horrible situation. But she couldn't help her. After a certain period, her friend seeks vengeance on the person she accuses.
Rating: IMDB-6.6
Genre: Mystery, thriller.
A radio Jockey has a special program on the last day of his workplace. Someone calls him and says he ( the kidnapper) has taken his sister, niece and daughter hostage. To save them, he has to play whatever song he (kidnapper) wants to play.
Could people do that only for the song or is there a special reason behind it?
Rating: IMDB-7.4
Genre: Mystery, thriller.
Returning from the abduction the youngest son of a family may notice that his family members have started behaving strangely towards him.
Familiar people seem completely unfamiliar. What is the secret behind it?
Rating: IMDB-8.6, rotten tomatoes-99%.
Genre: Dark comedy, thriller.
A family earns its livelihood by making pizza boxes. The youngest son of the family gets an offer to tutor in a house. He gives his family members different jobs in that house. They were all living happily but after one night everything changed.
What happened that night?

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